How Esperchain works?
Esperchain is currently in the research & development mode, so everything you read here is subject to changes without notice.
If you have any ideas and want to contribute, reach out to @prz_chojecki on Twitter.
Modular AI Blockchain
Esperchain is a modular AI blockchain which separates execution of AI models from low data transactions. From the developer perspective it means one can either use the standard execution layer or the GPU-boosted execution layer.
The standard execution layer is as on any other modern blockchain and could be implemented using Cosmos Hub or Polkadot Substrate. Our main requisities are connectivity and EVM support.
The GPU-boosted execution layer is especially needed for any more computationally intensive computations. It could be
a separate proof-of-work
a layer 2 to Esperchain mainnet
a protocol on Esperchain mainnet
We will research the base course of action in applications.
Last updated